Let’s just say, our hormones are “discerning” when it comes to their food…

Do you feel like your hormones are a little out of whack? If you’re a human being in the world we live in today, you’ve likely struggled with some hormone issues! Whether you’re dealing with chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pain, period pain or irregularity, Autoimmune conditions, chronic stress, leaky gut, and more, there are fortunately things you can do to give your body a helping hand with its constant balancing act.

One of the easiest ways to start is by looking at what you’re feeding your hormones.

Our hormones LOVE fat, fiber, and protein, and our body actually uses dietary fats to synthesize our hormones. Which means you can feel free to keep those avocados coming, Biscuit! Our hormones also love fiber and protein because they go a long way in helping us stay full longer and keep our blood sugar stable, both of which are hormonal processes. And lastly, our hormones love antioxidants and adaptogens, but let’s talk more about those below!



Move over pineapple, berries are the new king of fruits! Whether it’s blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries, all three are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber galore. They’re like little powerhouses in the hormone-helping department!

My favorite way to eat blueberries is to freeze them and pop a few as a little sweet snack here and there throughout the day. I also love eating fresh blackberries or raspberries for dessert, with a little scoop of coconut yogurt and some chopped walnuts on top!



Hemp Hearts, Chia, Flax, Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds Are the Best!

These seeds are FULL of healthy fat, fiber, and protein: aka the hormone-balancing trifecta!

And if you’ve ever wondered what the deal is with sprouted seeds? Well that just means their nutrients are more available for absorption and they’re easier to digest, something that can be super helpful for anyone dealing with gut health issues.



My absolute favorite fruit of all time! I use avocados on anything I can get away with because they are full of fiber, potassium and tons of healthy fats! Did you know that avocados actually have more potassium than a banana does?

Try making guacamole and dipping jicama sticks, chopped bell peppers, and Siete Grain-Free tortilla chips in it for a delicious and nutrient-dense snack. And for breakfast, I make avocado toast with Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Norwegian Crispbread (which is full of nuts and seeds) and adding fresh avocado and “Everything But” seasoning on top!


Cruciferous Veggies

Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Bok Choy, Arugula & Kale, Kohlrabi, Radishes, Collard & Mustard Greens, and Turnips Are Your Friend.

Cruciferous veggies pack a powerful punch when it comes to nutrition! They are full of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants and have been found to help our bodies regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation, aid in liver detoxification and more!

However if you find yourself dealing with a little more gas and bloating after eating them, consider cooking your veggies first. This helps to break down some of the fiber so your body can digest them a little easier, while still reaping all of the health benefits as well.


Turmeric & Ginger

Do you ever wonder why Turmeric is so “in” right now? It’s living it’s best life in the spotlight because of an active ingredient called Circumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Chronic inflammation & hormone health are enemies for sure, so if you’re looking to balance your hormones, reducing your inflammation is a powerful step. And one of the easiest ways to get both Turmeric and Ginger into your diet is through drinking Turmeric Ginger Tea.

With their powers combined, you’ll be on your way to better gut health too, and I can’t recommend tea enough as a new part of your bedtime routine!



Nuts get a bad wrap from time to time, because of how calorically dense they are. However when eaten in reasonable amounts, nuts are a healthy and delicious snack, salad topping, and great on oatmeal, in noats, or a breakfast smoothie too!

Next time you grab a piece of fruit for a snack, consider adding 1-2 Tbsps. of nut butter or a handful of nuts to help your body digest the fruit more slowly and keep your hunger hormones happier and satisfied longer.

Also make sure to look for nuts that are dry roasted, that way your body benefits from the healthy fats within the nuts and gets to skip the inflammatory fats they often roast them in, such as refined veggie oils.



Salmon is a staple in the Seattle community and rightfully so, as it has incredible health benefits! These little guys go a long way to help you balance your hormones, reduce inflammation, give your brain, heart, and muscle health a helping hand and they’re full of Omega-3 fats, antioxidants, Potassium, Selenium, B-Vitamins and protein too! I mean, what’s not to love?

If your budget allows it, I’d highly recommend choosing wild-caught salmon, but if that’s not available in your area, look for labels that say sustainably farmed, instead. That way, you’re decreasing your exposure to added toxins and hormones and enjoying the salmon as originally intended.



Especially Maca, Ashwaganda, Holy Basil & Rhodiola

Adaptogens are types of herbs that help our bodies adapt to stress, by making it easier for us to appropriately respond to it. And since stress is an inevitable part of many people’s lives, adding adaptogens to your diet can be really helpful in regulating your hormone health, including combatting adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, and lowering inflammation in the body.

My favorite way to add adaptogens to your diet is through teas or in smoothies. Try maca root powder in your morning smoothie and holy basil aka Tulsi rose tea in the evening. Ashwaganda can be found in drink mix form as well! And I’d recommend talking with your Naturopath or Functional Medicine practitioner about Rhodiola supplementation, as there are some forms that are better than others. However make sure to take that one in the morning as it is sure to pep you up!


Dark Chocolate

I have a hard time understanding my Biscuits who don’t love dark chocolate… After a while, you get used to the bitterness and there’s nothing like a square or two as a post-dinner “get your mouth right” kind of moment! Super dark chocolate also is full of antioxidants that help to fight inflammation in the body.

In order to reap the health benefits from dark chocolate, we need to be looking at 80% or higher in cacao content. Bonus points if it’s naturally sweetened with fruit, coconut sugar, or vanilla extract instead!