Hey lady, Catherine here, and today I want to talk about something really important that no one else seems to be saying… which is such a shame!

Most Nutritionists or Food Freedom Coaches talk all about the food… What to eat, how to eat, and how food impacts your body, but what no one seems to be mentioning is how food and your satisfaction in life intertwine.

Because if we’re being really honest here, it’s not about the food and never was! Yes, there are physiological factors that cause you to crave more or less of certain things and events in your history that led you to turn to food as a coping mechanism, but what I’m talking about today is the various factors in your life that are leading you to come home and binge in the present day or this week… The parts of your life that are causing you anxiety or distress, which then lead you to think about food more and more until you go on a binge or treat yo-self spree!

I’m talking about how when you live a life you don’t enjoy, you’re going to turn to your number one coping mechanism again and again. Which is exactly why your relationship with food and your body are directly impacted by your satisfaction in life and vice versa.

If you’re like most of my Food Freedom Method clients, you’ve likely already been in therapy for years, but if you still can’t quite integrate the skills you’ve learned fully, then this video training below is absolutely for you.

In this training, I walk you through how to build the self-awareness you need to see the bigger picture of your life and then take strategic action on what doesn’t feel quite right to you. Because most of the time, we don’t get to a life we dread quickly or by accident. So approaching making new, self-honoring choices takes time as well! It takes a strategic approach, so the changes you choose to make don’t feel quite so scary. It also takes adding in things that feel fun, empowering, and nurturing to you, so you don’t feel overwhelmed and want to hide!

So here are a few journal prompts to get your wheels turning:

  • Ask yourself, do you like your life?

  • Are you really happy?

  • What do you think you need or want that would make a huge difference in your day to day?

  • What would help you feel at peace with yourself and your body?

  • What would help you wake up every day feeling like you’re living on purpose? Whatever that purpose may be!

What’s really important when asking yourself these questions is to get up in an airplane and look at your life from a 30,000 ft view, aka see the bigger picture. Then you’re able to really see how the different pieces of your life connect and intertwine.

Such as how your relationships, home life, work life, movement practice, and connectedness to something bigger than you impact every part of your day! Including your stress levels, ability to think clearly and be decisive, your decisions about food, how you move your body, and even how often you’re thinking or worrying about each piece of the puzzle.

Keep watching the training to learn more about how each piece of the puzzle works together and make sure to bring your journal with you! There are tons of prompts to help you begin building the self-awareness you need to make thoughtful, self-honoring choices that will positively impact your relationship with food and your body too.

Because you deserve to live a life you love. A life that feels fulfilling and fun! And a life that doesn’t involve binge eating, food obsession and yo-yo dieting for years on end. This method is exactly what I teach my coaching clients and I’d love for you to have access to it too!

And if you want more free trainings just like this one, come check out my free Discovering Food Freedom Facebook Community where I go LIVE 2x/week with mini trainings just like this one!

Hope to see you there! Coach, Catherine

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