Are you a woman who’s STRUGGLING when it comes to your habits?

You know you want to maintain healthy habits, but after a few weeks, life just gets in the way right? If this sounds like you, then check out the video below to learn more about how to approach your habits in a different, more effective way.

In the video above, you’ll learn…

  • How to stop struggling when it comes to building the healthy habits you want

  • Why relying on your willpower gets old and how to stop hustling when it comes to your habits

  • Why understanding your identity is your superpower and the key to getting what you want

  • How your identity is absolutely changeable and how to mold it into something you feel excited about

  • How showing up today as the woman you want to become is the way you get to become her

  • And how these internal shifts have a massive impact on what you eat and how you treat your body

This week, as I was driving and listening to James Clear’s audiobook, Atomic Habits, his quote hit me like a ton of bricks…

You get what you repeat…

Oh man, what a throwdown! You know those moments when you just need to hear something? This was absolutely one of them for me… Because the truth is, we ALL have habits we want to develop or change. That’s just a part of being human!

So how does this relate to your relationship with food and your body? Well, think about all those times you’ve tried a new diet, a new exercise regimen, a morning routine, or tried to go to bed earlier. I mean this list could go on and on right? So what stops you when life gets in the way?

There are always a million reasons why you can’t do something, but think about all the things you do each and every day on autopilot, whether you’re busy or not? The truth is, those habits are so deeply ingrained in you because they’re a part of your identity.

Like brushing your teeth, making coffee, and putting on sweats as soon as you get home. All of those actions just mean you’re the kind of woman who dislikes fuzzy teeth, who loves her coffee ritual, and who believes that being cozy at home is of the utmost importance!

So if those habits feel so easy to do, why couldn’t you add a few more?

Well in order to do so and make them really stick, these new habits have to become a part of your identity too… You have to become the woman who:

  • Believes she’s worth the time to wash her face every night

  • Eats vegetables every day because she values diversity in her microbiome

  • Enjoys walking on her lunch break because it helps her clear her head

  • Goes to bed early so she can perform at her best the next day

  • Practices gratitude because she knows it makes her day better

  • Knows she’s worthy of taking time for herself

  • Doesn’t tolerate being treated poorly, by herself or anyone else

  • Believes she’s the best version of herself, when she’s rested, well nourished, and active

  • Feels worthy of being happy and healthy, every. single. day!

  • Whatever else it is that makes you feel like a Queen…

Now if you find yourself rolling your eyes and saying, “Easy for you, Catherine!” then stick with me for a minute.

Identity Work is like cleaning out your closet…

If you get what you repeat when it comes to the positive habits, thoughts or beliefs, isn’t it also true that you get what you repeat when it comes to the negative too?

That means whenever you find yourself saying or thinking “I can’t do ________,” “It’s too hard,” “There’s no way,” and “I’m not good enough…,” then that’s exactly what you’ll get each and every time.

So in order to effectively shift your identity, you have to sweep out the old stories and belief systems and add in the new, empowering ones instead.

How do you do this? Well first up, take a good look at what you’re repeating each and every day. How are you talking to yourself and relating to your day? Are you repeating habits you really enjoy and that get you closer to your goals or are you repeating habits that continue to lead you further and further away? And lastly, get clear on what you want to be doing instead. How would you like your identity to look a month from now, a year from now or even further out?

Next up, grab the Atomic Habits book! Or if you’re ready to really dive in and do the work, then get a Mentor you resonate with who can walk you through the process. Because changing your habits and identity are most definitely NOT one size fits all and you deserve empowering habits and an identity you absolutely love and feel proud of!

With Love, Coach Catherine